
Friday, April 14, 2006

Goose, Goose, Duck! 

This duck took ducking a little too seriously!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sunday Afternoon In The Park 

This is the park that's near my house. I love this little park! I took my camera along on my excursion there last Sunday and here are some of images I got. I hope you enjoy them!

Most of the Tulips were past their prime, but I found one that still looked beautiful.

This Mama Duck had 13 ducklings!

This is a close up of the fountain in the middle of the pond. I love the look of water when the motion is stopped!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Tornadoes Make You Do Funny Things 

Ahhh! Spring in the South! The Flowers! The Warm Weather! The Tornado Warnings!
I grew up in Texas and then moved to Georgia. One thing that both areas share is violent spring weather!

The other morning, a storm was coming in during the early morning hours. I was sleeping soundly in my happy bed, when I heard "The Sirens." For those of you that don't know, when there is a tornado warning, they sound a very loud siren that sounds pretty much like the world is coming to an end.

So, when I heard the sirens, my feet were instantly on the floor and my mind was saying this: "MUST...FIND...PANTS...CANNOT....BE...ON....TV....WITHOUT....PANTS!!" Now this is not usually the first thought that a person would have when devastating winds are headed their direction, but alas, that is what my mind conjured.

I'm sure it has everything to do with the fact that after any sort of disaster, the media shows pictures of the people affected by said disaster, wandering around in shock and/or picking through what remains of their belongings. These poor people have just escaped death, and you are pointing a camera in their face, for Pete's sake!

So after a few seconds of not being able to poke my legs through the correct hole of my pants, I finally got my pants on and could concentrate on other matters like, "OH &*%$!!! A TORNADO IS COMING AND I'VE GOT TO TAKE COVER!"

Y'all will be happy to know that the siren went off in error and no tornado came anywhere near me!

Whew! I'm going to go take my pants off!


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

01:02:03 04/05/06 

Did you realize that at 2 minutes and 3 seconds past 1 o'clock today it was:

01:02:03 04/05/06


A Plea for Manners 

OK...I am not that old - I'm only 38 - but I find myself becoming more and more appalled by the lack of manners of the "younger folks."

Let's start with a simple "Please" and "Thank You." Whatever happened to thanking a person if they patronized your business and you'd like for them to come again? I go in some places these day and I feel lucky if I'm looked at and grunted at. Is saying please so hard either? It's amazing how much more willing I am to do a request when it's prefaced by a "please."

Maybe it's because I grew up in Texas, but I never understood people getting upset by being called, "Ma'am" or "Sir." Yes, technically you are only supposed to use "ma'am" or "sir" if the person you are speaking to is older or holds a position of authority, but if I happen to use it and I'm older than you are or hold a higher position, don't be offended! I say it as a sign of respect - and a sign that my Mother would thunk me in the back of the head if I ever answered a question without "ma'am" or "sir" at the end of the sentence.

There's a chicken place not too far from my house that I went to a month or two ago. While I was ordering my food and when I was at the drive up window, the lady that was in the chicken place was so nice and a big part of her niceness was in the fact that she said "Please drive forward" and "Thank you for being so patient while we get you some fresh chicken" and "Please come again" served with a very sincere smile. So as I was driving home from work today, I thought of what good service I got when I was last there and stopped by for some chicken.

All I'm asking is this, Gentle Reader - Please consider incorporating manners in your life again.

Thank you!


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