
Monday, December 08, 2003

"The Last Samurai" is SO good!

Gary and I went to see "The Last Samurai" tonight and it was AWESOME. We agreed that Tom Cruise did a great job, but Ken Watunabe did an AMAZING job. I hope they both get nominated for Oscars, but I seriously hope that Mr. Watunabe gets one. 4 very enthusiastic thumbs up!

I treated myself to the movie tonight after working 8 hours both days of the weekend. YAY FOR ME! I'm glad it turned out to be such a good movie.

I was watching a rerun of Family Ties on TV Land a night or two ago and there was a scene where Mallory tells Alex the meaning of life: Be a good person, Don't hurt other people and try to fall in love. (or something like that) Alex was surprised at how profound Mallory was because it really is true. I agree!

Go to this website! It's very cute. It works best if you turn your speakers on if you have them.

HAVE YOU ADDED YOURSELF TO MY GUEST MAP YET? One of closest relatives has yet to add HERself to it. Is it because she is about to leave one state and go to another? Well, she can put herself both places! :-)

The warmth of flannel sheets is beckoning from the other room...I must go answer it's snuggy call!

I love you, whoever you are!


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