
Friday, October 27, 2006

The End of an Era 

Hapeville, a 'burb South of Atlanta was home to a Ford plant that, in recent years, specialized in making the Ford Taurus.

Today, the plant closed and 2000 people are out of a job. The plant had been open for 60 years.

Despite this very sad news, there were a couple of nice stories that came out. The first was a man on his way to his last day of work at the Ford Plant stopped for gas and won $225,000 playing the lottery!

The second was an Atlanta icon saluting what the Ford employees have done for him. Truett Cathy, founder of Chik-Fil-A restaurants, asked if he could buy the last car made at the Hapeville Ford Plant. When Chik-Fil-A was still a "chick," the Ford employees loved visiting his nearby restaurant, and Mr.Cathy feels that those people helped make Chik-Fil-A the multi-million dollar institution it is today.

My thoughts and prayers are with the folks that suddenly have a lot of free time on their hands. I hope your severance packages were good and that new and better jobs are on their way to you.

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