
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Day Walkabout 

I was sitting at home watching TV and occasionally surfing the net on this cold but beautiful day. I got a call from Seaster and B-I-L as they were on their way to the airport to pick up my nephew, Eric.

Seaster said something to the effect that what I do today will be what I'm doing the remainder of the year. I didn't want to be home alone watching TV and occasionally surfing the net for the remainder of the year. I want to be out in the world enjoying it and moving around!

I finished the movie I was watching and herded the "girls" into a bra and out into the world I went with my camera.

It was cold and windy and at some point I lost the feeling in my face, but I'm so glad I went out and got some fresh air as well as starting out the New Year enjoying the world and moving around.
If you'd like to see the rest of the set, feel free to go here.

Peace, Love and Happiness!


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